No Communication


I am not at all good at coming up with titles and I know that titles play a major role but hey! I am just not cut out for the title thing or the content.

So I was talking to my mom and realized that she isn’t in touch with any of her friends. Why? Well at her age people were just married off and telephones weren’t common and the popular way to keep in touch was through letters. Now imagine that from the typical Indian woman’s perspective  who is a housewife and not living in a city. So you are just married off after your education and at times to some  place which is quite far away from home. I really feel sad for my mom in that way. She doesn’t have any way to get in touch with her friends as it’s too late. We all have friends to bitch about our sad events and everything to. But what about those who doesn’t ? Is life fair that way ? I am sure all of us have stuff/secrets which we won’t share with anyone other than our best friend but what about the people who don’t have that best friend? I am not talking about my mom here, I know about people who doesn’t have any friends. I never thought that was possible, I might not be the guy with the best socializing skills but I am not so bad at it either, so the whole possibility of a person not having a friend never even took place in my head.

So maybe before making fun of that weird kid who always seem alone, just think about his world for a second .

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By George